Expeditions Resources

Packing Lists & Forms

Below are the forms and information you will need to prepare for your epic adventure to come.  The Parent Information Guidebook has all the information you will need including the packing lists.  For a quick reference you can use the drop-down menus below.

Parent Information

Check List and Important Dates

  • Now! – Read Parent Information Guidebook
  • April 1 –Balance Due
  • May – Review and Collect all items on packing list May 1


The fees for the Expeditions include all meals, entrance fees, park passes, group gear, lodging and travel. The camper may want to have funds in their camp store account to buy snacks, t-shirts, souvenirs, etc.

Physical Demands

There are physical demands on some parts of this expedition. Our trip will include long day-hikes. We operate our programs out of “basecamps”. Campers will NOT be required to carry all their gear on their backs at one time, just daypacks. Any kayaking portion of these trips will require sitting, paddling continuously for long periods. Walking on rugged mountain trails in heavy rains may also occur as well. Prior physical conditioning and a positive attitude are necessary to be a helpful team member and to get all that you can out of this experience. The more you prepare, the better your experience can be.

Expedition Behavior and Bullying Policy

Camp Kanuga provides age-appropriate activities for young people to develop Christian community, take on new responsibilities, gain independence and an appreciation of God’s creation, as well as overcome challenges through safe and fun adventure-based programs. The ability to effectively interact in a small group and be a positive member of a community is required. Camp Kanuga’s Expedition team includes as many as 12 campers and two to three trip leaders. Participants are expected to effectively interact with others to accomplish community-building goals, establish positive and healthy relationships, work as a team, and maintain emotional resilience. Camp Kanuga facilitates programs under “challenge-by-choice” practices. Please contact the Camp Director for any special situations that might affect your child’s experience while on expedition such as divorce, separation, new location or any mental, emotional or social health issues. The more we know about your camper, the better we will know how to serve and care for them.

Expeditions Behavior
All participants are expected to be active members of the team. We will all participate in cooking, cleaning, loading and unloading trailers, and maintaining group gear. All participants are expected to have create and maintain healthy relationships as well as communicate clearly their needs. This is not a rehabilitation program. This is not the place to quit smoking, drinking, drugs or to work through behavioral or psychological challenges. Our staff are not trained or experienced to serve children with these challenges.

Bullying Policy

Bullying is the antithesis of what the Camp Kanuga community seeks to be. Please speak to your children about being a source of love and kindness within the camp community before they arrive. Encourage your camper to communicate any negative behaviors to their counselors. If someone’s behavior brings harm to the community, it may result in dismissal from camp. Campers excused from camp for behavioral reasons are not eligible for a refund and may not be eligible to attend in future years.

Although we have never had too, but If a participant’s negative behavior puts themselves, the team or the success of the trip at risk they will be sent home at the expense of their parent/guardian.

Communication with Parents

Health Care Communications
The phone numbers you provide on your campers online account will be used to contact you in case of an emergency, or if your child needs to see a health care provider other than Kanuga’s staff. We generally do not contact you if your camper has routine first aid need (e.g., skinned knee, sore throat, low-grade fever, etc.). The decision to call parents is determined by the Camp Kanuga staff on a case-by-case basis.

Technology and Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone
All of Camp Kanuga’s Expeditions offer a technology free environment. If any campers come with electronic devices such as cell lphones, staff will collect phones and electronic devices on the first day of the expedition. Before we collect cell phones Trip Leaders will ensure that campers have checked in with their parents.

Technology Policy
Camp Kanuga offers an “unplugged” experience. We intend to carry this concept with us wherever Camp Kanuga takes us. Please help us to create an environment where new friendships can blossom and each camper has a unique and special outdoor experience. If campers would like to take pictures, we ask that they bring a separate camera (shock and waterproof) other than their cell phones.

Social Media Policy

With the prevalence of social media and the internet in our daily lives, Kanuga has identified some expectations for how staff and campers conduct themselves on the internet when any reference to Camp Kanuga is being made (mentioning CK, wearing CK merchandise, engaging with other CK people etc).

If a camper chooses to identify themselves as a camper at Kanuga on the internet, it is our hope that they be intentional about what it is they’re publishing or posting. Avoid posts that are:

  • Pertaining to illegal and immoral acts as defined by the law and society
  • About alcohol, drugs, and/or sexual behavior
  • Anything that may put the safety of others at risk
  • Anything that may be interpreted as belittling, bullying, aggression, or being violent towards any others
  • Jokes, comments, or gestures of a sexist or sexualized nature
  • Slurs, phrases, or expressions of attitudes that marginalize or perpetuate any stereotype
  • Avoid posting anything that does not align with Camp Kanuga’s mission and values.

It is important to note that photographs are for personal memories; please do not post pictures on the internet of another camper without their permission. Kanuga may monitor the internet for information pertaining to its programs. If any material posted by a camper is found to be questionable, problematic, risking the safety and wellbeing of any CK constituent, specifically, as it relates to the use of the Camp Kanuga name, brand or logo, the camper’s family may be notified.

Health Care

Camper Health History

Please submit your expeditioner’s Medical Form on your CampBrain account portal. Ensure all information is correct and up to date.
It is not required, but recommended, to have had a physical signed by a Licensed Medical Provider (doctor, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, etc.) within the last 12 months from the start date of the trip. You may use one that you may already have attained for school/sports if you have it.


All prescription medications must be checked in with the Camp Nurse at the beginning of the expedition. All medicine must be in the original packaging. Medicines will NOT be allowed if they are not in its original packaging. Kanuga’s staff will only follow the directions printed on the original prescription. The Trip Leaders will dispense prescription medications. Campers that brought inhalers or Epi-pens with them are required to have them on their person at all times.

Camper Laundry

Laundry will be done on an “as needed” basis for Trailblazers. Expeditioners participating in a 6-day program will not do laundry during their session. Be sure to follow the packing list.

* Note: any unforseen laundry needs will be met by Camp Kanuga staff.