Overnight Camp Resources
Packing Lists & Forms
Our online handbooks provide parents with helpful, detailed information about the Camp Kanuga experience. You will also find links with printable forms, lists and information to prepare your camper for overnight camp.
Overnight Camp Resources
Packing Lists
Parent Information
First Time Camper
Before Camp
How you spend time with your child before camp can drastically reduce homesickness and ease the adjustment to camp life. Here are some tips:
- Offering to pick up your child or telling them to call home if they don’t like camp often prevents a camper from fully engaging in camp life. Please, don’t do it!
- Be honest with your child about how fun camp is, and don’t omit that camp is challenging. Campers will benefit from being prepared for the unpredictable nature of camp.
- Look at pictures and information about camp on the website, so your child will know what to expect. If needed, contact us to schedule a tour! We are excited to show you around and help your camper(s) get acquainted with the space!
- Let your child help pack for camp, so they can remember where needful items like their toothbrush or soap are. This also helps young campers think critically about what they need (i.e. a raincoat for rainy weather, a sweater for when it’s cold outside).
- Talk about camp as opening day approaches. Start a countdown. Help your child get excited about the fun of being a camper!
Camper Forms
Please complete all required forms before arriving to camp. Forms are completed online during the registration process.
- Camper Information Form
- Waivers & Agreements
- Medical Form
During Camp
Write letters. Avoid telling your camper what they are missing at home. Campers cannot email, but they can send letters by mail. Provide stamped, addressed envelopes or postcards. Encourage your child to write about his or her activities at camp.
- Drop off on opening day or send a care package. Please limit to one per camper. Due to allergies, we do not allow outside food at camp. All food and candy items will be confiscated and returned on the last day of camp.
- For your convenience, on Opening Day, we will have bins out on the camp store porch for each day of camp starting with Day 2 through Day 12. We deliver mail on the first full day of camp through the last full day of camp – no mail delivered on Closing Day.
- Being away from your child for the first time can be difficult. Share these emotions with another adult rather than with your child.
Additional tips for parents can be found in this helpful article published by the American Camp Association.
Tiered Pricing
New for 2025
Camp Kanuga uses a voluntary three-tier fee system. Tiered pricing allows families to choose a contribution according to their ability. Each pricing tier entitles the camper to the full Camp Kanuga experience and there is no differentiation made in the program based on pricing tier. The tiered pricing model is a tool to extend our reach, create a diverse, Christ-centered community, and grow Kanuga’s camp ministry for generations.
Tiered pricing supports making a quality camp experience possible for children from differing economic backgrounds, by allowing families to pay what they are able and inviting those who can give more to support the bigger picture of camp operations to do so. It allows us to stretch scholarship funding further, bringing more young people the opportunity to share in the transformational Camp Kanuga experience.
The Tiers:
- Essential: This is the historical subsidized rate of summer camp, made possible by Kanuga’s operating fund and contributions from individual and group donors who believe in the mission of summer camp. This rate represents costs of lodging, meals, and a portion of program costs.
- Sustainer: This rate more closely represents the cost of operating camp for the length of a camper’s experience, including lodging, meals, materials, and staffing costs.
- Visionary: The price that most closely aligns with the true costs of camp. This tier drives growth at camp by supporting maintenance, upkeep, and improvements to buildings, grounds, and programs.
Each tier’s value is relative to each session and is outlined on the Dates & Rates page.
Opening Day
Arrival (Afternoon of Opening Day)
Check-in is between 3–4:30p.m. Please, no arrivals before 3:00 p.m.—the camp gates will remain closed until this time. If you arrive early, do NOT park on the main road in front of camp. This is a safety hazard!
- Sign your camper in with their counselors at the cabin where they will receive their health screening.
- Your camper’s trunk/luggage will be delivered to the cabin by camp staff. This can take up to an hour after you arrive. We suggest that you pack a separate linen/bedding bag and carry with you to the cabin for check in. This is a good time to help your camper get settled while making up their bed together.
- When your child is settled, try to avoid long goodbyes. Encourage your camper to get involved immediately and make new friends.
Unexpected delays?
Please notify the Summer Staff Office immediately at 828-233-2840. A telephone call will be made to any camper who has not arrived or telephoned by 4:30 p.m.
All fees paid will be forfeited if camper does not check in on the opening day of their camp session or chooses to leave early. No refunds will be made for any reason after the start of the camp session.
Early and Late Departures
NO EARLY DEPARTURES on Closing Day. Leaving early affects the entire cabin and support staff.
If you need to come the day before, or if there is an emergency, please contact the camp coordinator. We will work out a time that least affects the cabin.
If you do not wish to attend Celebration, campers will need to be signed-out AT THE CABIN at 1:45 p.m. on Closing Day. Requests for late departures are STRONGLY discouraged; our staff will need some well-deserved rest between sessions.
Campers still on property after 2:30 will become Stayovers and your card on file will be charged $250 whether they stay or not.
Please feel free to walk the grounds with your camper after sign-out.
Airport Transportation
Kanuga can provide transportation to and from Asheville Regional and Greenville/Spartanburg.
When travel plans are firm, please:
- Select the correct Transportation option within your registration portal.
- Submit a completed Transportation Form on CampBrain
- If travel plans change or are confirmed less than two weeks before camp begins, please contact our coordinator.
Fees for transportation are $75 one-way and $150 round-trip per camper. Please book flights according to camp schedule. Campers cannot arrive on property before 3:00pm on opening day.
Cabin Mate Requests and Placements
While we do recommend that your camper come to camp on their own, in order to get the full experience of discovering themselves outside of their everyday and learning to create their own community, we do allow campers to make one cabin mate request if they so choose. However, both campers MUST request each other and be of similar age and same gender in order for us to honor that request. We make no promises, but we do our best to grant each request.
Statement of Inclusion
Camp Kanuga is a place where all people are invited to gather and connect with each other, nature, and the Creator. Our motto is “In Honor Preferring One Another,” found in Romans 12:10. Unconditional love and radical inclusivity are key elements to living into Romans 12:10. We believe that summer camp has the power to change lives, through time spent in unconditionally loving and supportive community. Further, we believe that these life-changing camp experiences are for campers and staff members of every race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and background. We believe that every person is created in the image of God, exactly as they are, with experiences and perspectives that are precious to God. As an Episcopal ministry, rooted in the Baptismal Covenant, with God’s help, we strive to:
- Continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers. The simple acts of daily life together: prayer, meals, rest, and play, bring us into closer relationship and community. Our community is rooted in the Gospel, loving our neighbors as ourselves.
- Seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Our community seeks to listen to others’ stories, consider their perspectives, and learn to treat people how they would like to be treated according to their needs and abilities. This is the mindset we invite campers into as they navigate daily life in the community.
- Strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being. Our community strives to be a safe, inviting, and harmless environment for all people. We seek to love and respect others and their various elements of identity, like race, culture, ability, age, sexual orientation, gender, identity, spiritual practice, or personal belief. We stand against violence, aggression, intimidation, belittling, or bullying and have no tolerance towards slurs, phrases, expressions, or attitudes that marginalize or perpetuate stereotypes.
- Persevering in resisting evil, and, whenever falling into sin, repent and return to God. With God’s help, we work to maintain the safety and integrity of the whole Camp Kanuga community. By acknowledging that we might slip, we recognize both the awe-inspiring grace of God and the need to protect the integrity of the beloved community in which we choose to be in.
If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions as to how we can better live up to these ideals at Camp Kanuga, we invite your conversation with camp leadership.
Bullying Policy
Bullying is the antithesis of what the Camp Kanuga community seeks to be. Please speak to your children about being a source of love and kindness within the camp community before they arrive. Encourage your camper to communicate any negative behaviors to their counselors. If someone’s behavior brings harm to the community, it may result in dismissal from camp. Campers excused from camp for behavioral reasons are not eligible for a refund and may not be eligible to attend in future years.
Visitation and Communication Policy
At Kanuga, campers enjoy the outdoors and develop a greater appreciation for the environment. They also experience the companionship of other children as they acquire skills that improve self-confidence, increase self-reliance, and enhance the ability to cooperate with others.
Being away from your child can be hard, and they are sure to miss you. However, visiting can cause many disruptions in their acclimation into the camp environment.
- Camp Kanuga does not allow campers to receive calls or make calls to anyone off property.
- We do not allow any outside visitors to visit campers during the camp session.
- Campers may not come and go throughout the session. If a camper must leave camp for any reason, they are not able to check back into camp.
Mail, Care Packages and Phone
Corresponding with Your Camper
Mail is very important to your camper.
- Take a moment to teach your child how to address an envelope or post card properly.
- Avoid writing them anything that may cause them to worry or stress such as, “I am so sad you are gone” or “I just miss you so much and worry about you.”
- Post cards work best as envelopes tend to seal due to the moisture in our mountain air.
- Mail received on the last day of the session will not be delivered to your camper – however, you may pick it up at check-out along with any medications.
Care Packages AND Mail
Families may send one package per session. WE DO NOT ALLOW ANY OUTSIDE FOOD OR CANDY SENT TO CAMPERS. This includes home baked goods as well as store bought items. Some of our campers have severe and life-threatening allergies to many different food items. We will hold all food items (including candy) until the end of the session. They will be available on Closing Day to enjoy on the way home. Also, please do not send water guns, fireworks or slime.
The camp staff audits all packages as they are opened by campers.
Bring mail and packages on Opening Day of camp.
Camper mail first arrives through the Kanuga Conferences central mail distribution center. Due to this system, letters and packages may take 3 extra days to be delivered. This especially affects Starter Campers when mail delivery is only on Day 2 and Day 3.
The easiest way to ensure your camper receives their mail is to pre-write your letters or pre-pack packages and bring them with you on Opening Day. We will have mailboxes available for you to drop off letters/packages during check-in. Each day of the session will have its own mailbox.
If you do decide to use the Post Office or other mail carriers please use the following address.
For letters and parcel delivery by Fed-Ex or UPS:
Camper First and Last Name
Camp Kanuga [Session & Cabin Name, if known]
130 Kanuga Chapel Drive
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Technology Policy
Camp Kanuga is an “unplugged” environment. Please help us to create an environment where new friendships can blossom, and each camper has a unique and special outdoor experience. Do not bring portable music players, video games, computers, iPads, tablets, electronics, and cell phones to camp. Furthermore, cell phones especially interrupt camp in a variety of ways; namely our ability to enhance your camper’s confidence and independence.
If any of the items listed are discovered, the camp staff will collect the items and return them at the end of the session.
Hiding Cell Phones: We appreciate that most families will honor our request and support our reasoning for not allowing cell phones at camp. We also recognize that some families may feel that hiding a cell phone in camper luggage is OK. Keep in mind that by doing this, you may be teaching your campers that it is OK to break the rules as well as creating a level of distrust between the camper and counselor. If you are unable to send your camper to camp without a cell phone, then you or your camper may not be ready for the camp experience
If any of the items listed above are discovered, the camp staff will collect the items and return them at the end of the session.
Social Media Policy
With the prevalence of social media and the internet in our daily lives, Kanuga has identified some expectations for how staff and campers conduct themselves on the internet when any reference to Camp Kanuga is being made (mentioning CK, wearing CK merchandise, engaging with other CK people etc).
If a camper chooses to identify themselves as a camper at Kanuga on the internet, it is our hope that they be intentional about what it is they’re publishing or posting. Avoid posts that are:
- Pertaining to illegal and immoral acts as defined by the law and society
- About alcohol, drugs, and/or sexual behavior
- Anything that may put the safety of others at risk
- Anything that may be interpreted as belittling, bullying, aggression, or being violent towards any others
- Jokes, comments, or gestures of a sexist or sexualized nature
- Slurs, phrases, or expressions of attitudes that marginalize or perpetuate any stereotype
- Avoid posting anything that does not align with Camp Kanuga’s mission and values.
It is important to note that photographs are for personal memories; please do not post pictures on the internet of another camper without their permission. Kanuga may monitor the internet for information pertaining to its programs. If any material posted by a camper is found to be questionable, problematic, risking the safety and wellbeing of any CK constituent, specifically, as it relates to the use of the Camp Kanuga name, brand or logo, the camper’s family may be notified.
Knife Policy
Campers aged 13 or older are permitted to bring a small knife, that easily fits into a pocket, to camp. The blade must be entirely enclosed by its handle when not in use and is not to exceed 3 inches. Lockable blades and non-serrated edges are allowed. Double-edged, spring-loaded blades, switchblade knives, or other bladed objects such as Ninja stars are not allowed.
With the highest concern for safety, campers are obligated to tell their counselor or trip leader prior to using their knife, and can only do so with the consent of that staff member. When not in use, the knife must be stored under control of its owner. Campers using a knife for purposes other than a beneficial tool will lose this responsibility and privilege.
Dismissal from camp will be immediate if the knife ever represents a weapon or is used irresponsibly.
It is assumed that campers, aged 13 or older, who bring a knife to camp have their parents’ approval and have proven to them that they are qualified to handle a knife properly.
Camp Kanuga Outfitters (Camp store)
CK Outfitters, located in the camp office building, is where campers may purchase merchandise. Campers DO NOT need to bring cash but will have access to their camp store account.
Add additional funds to your camper’s account by signing into your CampBrain account and selecting the option to add funds to your campers’ Camp Store balance.
Camp store balances not spent will not be refunded at the end of the sessions and will be considered donations to future camper scholarships.
Campers will have the opportunity to visit the Camp Store 4-5 times a session (for the longer sessions) and 2-3 times for shorter sessions. Some examples of what we carry in the camp store:
- CK branded t-shirts, pajama pants, hoodies, caps, bandanas
- CK Nalgene water bottles
- CK Crazy Creek Chairs
- CK Stuffed animals, games
- CK posters, decals, magnets, playing cards
- CK wristbands, lanyards, carabineers,
- CK postcards, pens and pencils and much more…
The camp store will be open to families for purchase on Opening and Closing Day. You will not be able to use your camper’s store balance on Closing Day as those accounts will be closed-out for the session.
You are welcome to purchase items on Opening Day for your camper and simply drop them into the designated mail bins to be delivered to your camper on the day of your choice.
Lost and Found and Labeling Policy
You will want to label EVERYTHING you send your camper to camp with. Not only does it make it easier to keep track of whose is whose, but it also significantly cuts down on our lost and found and items that otherwise would never make it home.
If your camper does leave anything at camp, please notify us as to what it is and we will do our best to track it down. We can mail it back to you and charge your card on file for the cost of shipping.
Closing Day
We invite you to participate in a celebration on Closing Day. Enjoy refreshments as you meet our staff, chat with other camper families, and pre-register for next year. This is a wonderful opportunity to share in your camper’s experience and see a slide show of the session.
- 12:00 p.m. – Gates open.
- 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. – Meet our directors and staff. Learn more about camp, pre-register, and see what is to come for next year!
- 1:00 p.m. – Campers enter the Paved Rec. and the Closing Celebration Ceremony begins.
- 1:45 p.m. – Campers check-out at their cabins with their counselors
- 2:30 p.m. – Gates close.
* Please double-check to make sure everything has made it to your car. We are happy to ship any personal items left behind, at your expense, IF you have reached out to our coordinator within 7 days. Items not claimed will be donated to a worthy charity.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance can be applied for within your registration account. Log in to CampBrain to complete the applicaton.
Health Care
*These procedures could change based on the status of COVID-19and guidance from the CDC, ACA and local health authorities
Health Care Staff
Camp Kanuga has an infirmary staffed with a registered nurse. Campers have access to healthcare staff twenty-four hours a day for basic medical treatments, evaluation, and medication distribution. We also have a physician on site twice a week and a partnership with Blue Ridge Health Services, to allow us to give your child the best care while under our supervision. Kanuga healthcare staff follow Standing Treatment Orders signed off by a local medical doctor. You complete the Kanuga acknowledgement of risk, release of liability waivers, permission-to-treat, and photo release signature when you register online. There may be more waivers to sign by a parent or guardian on Opening Day of camp – these are provided by your camper’s counselor at cabin check-in.
Camp Kanuga proudly meets ACA standards by having at least 80% of our staff certified in CPR and First Aid.
Updates or Changes to Health History
Our healthcare staff will review all information prior to your camper’s arrival. Please update and make changes to your camper’s health history at least 10 days before arrival. You can do this by logging into your online Kanuga Account from the Dates & Rates page of our website and navigating to the Camper Medical Form. If the form is locked, please email a camp coordinator requesting to edit your campers’ medical form.
Opening Day Health Screening
It is our desire for all campers to have the best experience possible. Please do not arrive at camp if your camper is sick or is showing signs of illness. It is better to delay your camper’s arrival a day or two to get completely healthy than to get the rest of the cabin sick.
Please inspect your camper for lice. Notify your cabin counselor if your child has been exposed within 10 days of your arrival to camp. We can help monitor your child and make sure they are cared for as well as protect other campers. Be prepared for your cabin counselor to inspect your camper’s hair during check-in.
You need to check in all prescription medications with the Kanuga Healthcare Staff. They must be in the original packaging. Medicine will NOT be given to campers if they are not in its original packaging. When administering prescription medications, Kanuga’s healthcare staff will only follow the directions printed on the original prescription box or bottle.
Kanuga’s healthcare staff will dispense prescription medications when campers are located on the main campus. However, when campers are on campout or on an off-site trip, a trained staff member will administer medications according to directions described on original bottle or prescription.
It is not permitted for campers and staff to keep any medications in their cabins, including over-the-counter medications and vitamins. However, campers that bring inhalers or Epi-pens are required to have them on their person at all times. Camp Kanuga can provide campers a carrying case for the Epi-pens and inhalers by request. Please do not bring over-the-counter (OTC) medications (aspirin, Tylenol, first-aid supplies) unless prescribed by a licensed medical provider.
Camp Kanuga’s maintenance and summer staff spend a lot of time and resources to make sure campers are not exposed to environmental dangers, such as bees, poison ivy/oak and other pests and animals. Because we are a nut-free camp, we no longer allow any food sent to camp. No outside food allowed. The kitchen and healthcare staff communicate with each other before your camper’s arrival regarding food allergies and dietary needs.
Dietary Needs
We have no problem accommodating all dietary needs. Please make us aware of any needs by making a note in the health form, and/or send an email to campkanuga@kanuga.org
Camper Laundry
Each camper will need to bring their own washable laundry bag. Our laundry service provider will wash and dry camper’s laundry at the middle of the session. Each camper will need to bring a clearly labeled laundry bag with their name on the bag. Please clearly label all items of clothing, including the laundry bag, with a permanent marker.
No laundry service for Starter Camp
Places to Stay
Kanuga Conference & Retreat Center
The Kanuga Conference center has a beautiful inn, cottages, and guest houses, available by reservation, for you to take advantage of if you would like to stay nearby before, during, or after your camper’s session.